caitlin douglass

Design Favorites


Here are a few design projects I am particularly proud of for their r&d and composition.


Where the Wild Things Are
& Bosnian War Stories

This book combines my childhood favorite, Where The Wild Things Are, with war stories I read in publications or heard firsthand while living abroad. The intent is to feel the discomfort, tension, and stark contrasts of what those living inside the war experienced, versus those removed from it prior to the digital boom. Additionally, through color and contrast, the reader will struggle to find the more gruesome tale which is easily looked over by contrast to the whimsical shapes and soft text.


ROOTS Capstone Project

Roots was my capstone project aimed on the history, process, and preservation of unique trades and crafts throughout New England. All aspects of this project from fonts, to colors, to voice were intentional and explained in my process book. (Happy to share upon request, it’s a cumbersome read.) Below is a brief outline of the project and artisans.

This project later led to my independent application to the Fulbright National Geographic StoryTelling Fellowship, pertaining to the history and preservation of rare trades and crafts of Croatia, Loas, and Greenland.




This is the digitized version of a few projects I worked on for personal studies exploring color, logo creation and website mock-ups as well as print and digital projects working with Cabot Cheese Coop.


Letterpress Design

A few shots from my adventures interning and learning with a local letterpress designer, Zoe Papas of Zoe Ink. These were a few examples of concepts I thought up, mixed the inks for, cut the card stocks, and pressed.