#60 - Let's Get Off the Grid

Dear Dubrovnik,

As usual, this is a brief check-in, which means that there is something bigger on the horizon! ;D But first, a quick reflection on this past year. I have rewritten this section a half-dozen times because I honestly can't quite find words to describe 2020 that would pass the "is it true, kind, necessary?" test. It was really tough, and even in this new year, parts of me still feel like we're living in the 13th, or 17th month of last year. However, as with all moments of adversity, it's hard to move past them without first taking a step forward. 

Just about every member of my close family incurred a health-related problem at some point in the past year (all doing well at the moment!,) and as everyone is acutely aware, in the days of stay-at-home orders they no longer have the support networks of years past. I related more to my patients than ever as they struggled with feelings of sadness and separation from family members and loss. And I feel like I'm starting to realize my family members are getting old(er,) especially where my time between visits has stretched out to almost a year for many.

Our family also said a sad goodbye to little ol’ Moby Bear this spring which most of us had to do from afar. I like to think Chester and Moxie are pretty happy to have his goofy company once again.

All that said, I had some really amazing friends who helped keep me afloat when things got tough and even made it a year with many highlights and fond memories. While a few of them have already headed on to bigger and better adventures, I'm so grateful to have had their company. 

I've shared some photos below, and in keeping with the spirit of 2020, I'll keep the details hushed...! ;) Here's a hint for where I'll be heading off to... I'll be sure to bring tea cakes and po-tae-toes for this quest...! 

Caitlin Douglass