#48 - Where to now?

Dear Dubrovnik,

It's so interesting to reflect on where we start in life, and where our interests, friendships, and, efforts can take us each year. I was presenting up at Champlain College for accepted students day a couple weeks ago and ended up in the library looking for a book couldn't help but laugh a bit thinking how different it felt to be there now. I'd spent countless hours working away in that same library to make my dreams come true and I wonder (now) if I (back then) could even fathom me now, and where I've gotten and hope to go in life. I find  the more opportunities I create and take, the broader my perspectives grow, and the more intense my desire to 'do more' expands. 

It's been quite a while since I last wrote, but per usual, I always check in before my next trip... gotta dust off my adventure writing fingers...! So before I get into that I'll do a quick recap since my last posting about Mexico! I've taken on a very interesting degree in Executive Leadership which much like real leadership has soaring highs, and drowning lows. Despite the constant ebb and flow it has been an invaluable course for my role at work and life allowing a lot of time and focus on self- reflection and growth.

Such proud
We are also celebrating the ever nearing graduation of all my first round kiddos back from my first year as an RA at Champlain. My first co and I went up to the trustee dinner and surprised all our kiddos who were there, some getting awards, some giving speeches and others, eager to share their adventures and future endeavors. 
The kiddos <3
And though being an RA certainly hindered many aspects of my social, and sleep life at times, it really helped me grow into a more flexible, calm, understanding 'parent' leader, especially when helping people work through post-graduate job search nerves, and even being homesick. To anyone going through college, if you think you can manage the work-life balance, you will gain some amazing experience, friends and memories for the opportunity, not to mention save some $$ from all the mountains of loans that will make their prompt arrival post-graduation!

I'm currently enjoying a brief break from classes and will finish up the final two courses by the end of the summer. I also chopped off just over a foot of my hair and sent it to Wigs for Kids (my neck feels great and so does my conditioner budget!) 

Hard to get the length in the photo!
And as most people passing through their 20's and beyond may resonate, I can no longer eat any and everything and feel like a million bucks. So, I've been undertaking the Whole 30 program which helps to establish more control with food and identify areas that may trigger inflammation/ allergens/ or just plain old discomfort over 30 days. It was a bit daunting at first knowing I'd be removing foods and drinks I'd had for years, if not almost my entire life like pastas, grains, dairy and more, BUT, as I now approach my final day I feel better than ever without and tummy aches, more energy, great sleep, and a happier smile. 
My first trip to the store for complaint foods!
Looking back to week one I can only channel the thoughts of a fellow Whole 30er who described Week One as follows: "Anyone who's done this will tell you that your bloodlust for chips, sandwiches, and cake is all-encompassing and agonizing. You start craving foods that you didn't even know you liked: I had no idea how badly I wanted ice cream covered in BBQ sauce. The Whole30's rigidity in the "no-snacks" rule is the key though; it promotes a healthy way of eating and "deprograms" you from constantly wanting to stuff food in your mouth. Three meals a day, of just healthy stuff."
Walnut encrusted pork tenderloin, baked potato and spinache
Almond flour bbq chicken tenderns, brussel sprouts, and potatoes
And boatloads of water. Literally never drank more water in my life.

BUT, as with anything, you can get over that wall, and get to a place where you feel very in control which is a great feeling. Am I so stoked for that first ice cream back - you better bet I am, but I'm happy that I'm learning to better manage my foods and snacking as well as what foods make me feel crappy.

It helped me to re-fall in love with the way food tastes on it's own, and as I sit here writing to you hunched over a steamy spaghetti squash I'm happy to say it's helped me drop some of my food guards for the sheer sake of variety, and I've been happy with all the new things I've welcomed into my life, like dijon mustard and Franks Red Hot. 

Looking to tomorrow where I will complete the '30 days' I reviewed my non-scale victories to reflect on the various ways this food recall helped me in other areas of my life and really helped to affirm the tough moments and second thoughts when I could see all the benefits and positive results. 
Non-scale victories

Aside from food, the weather had been anything but consistent, which is perfectly normal for Burlington. This is a picture from 2 weeks ago, just chilling at the beach, not swimming, but sunning in the warm sand.

Yay for sunlight!
And this is literally one day later:
Boo it's back already

And then the following day:
Bravo little flowers for sticking it out through the snow!
 What do I want to be when I grow up? Well certainly something as resilient as the flowers that make their home in Burlington, VT! haha But onto the adventures! I'll be reuniting with a dear sister and host-sister of mine (who I haven't seen since I first departed for Croatia years ago) on a cold and magical island know as none other than Iceland! We've got quite a trip planned out and I've fully prepped (and raring) for the sun-full nights, long drives, countless tourists, and unexpected bumps that lead us to unique and memorable moments. It goes without saying travel has become something that brings me great joy and I feel very blessed and fortunate to have this opportunity. So as always get excited for some interesting stories and folklore which I fully intend to capture in full detail, good, sun-burnt, rainy, smelly or otherwise! In the mean time I have a couple smaller trips and will certainly check in about those before heading off!

I also splurged and got a front row seat to a show coming later this summer to see none other than one of my favorite actors Nick Offerman right here in town. I'm already preparing what I would say if I had the opportunity to talk with him....
Seen here with his solid oak, hand carved, wooden emojis.

Any who, I'll be writing again soon before we depart but wanted to get you up to speed on how things, stuff, and the weather have been here! :) Here's to a May full of bright flowers, puppies, friendly bees, an
d warm sunshine!

Until next time!
